
Reads a gz compressed BED narrow peak file from a web address or local file and returns a pandas dataframe.


  • URL_or_PATH_TO_file source of input bed. Either a web link or a path to a local file.

  • returns a pandas dataframe of the inpud bed.

>>> import AGEpy as age

>>> eCLIP_1_bednarrowPeak=""
>>> bed=age.GetBEDnarrowPeakgz(eCLIP_1_bednarrowPeak)
>>> print bed.head()

chrom chromStart   chromEnd    name score strand       signalValue  \
0  chr7  139371278  139371296  Peak_0  1000      +  5.09062636514014   
1  chr7  139371257  139371278  Peak_1  1000      +   5.0840236303159   
2  chr7  155781335  155781431  Peak_2  1000      +  3.70481328524336   
3  chr7   87156569   87156676  Peak_3  1000      +  3.95023151551588   
4  chr7  105073472  105073521  Peak_4  1000      +  4.14556204062503   

     -log10(pValue) -log10(qvalue) peak  
0  48.9834262537309             -1   -1  
1  48.7463712698062             -1   -1  
2  42.6519289009201             -1   -1  
3  37.7848384917051             -1   -1  
4  34.0756845242392             -1   -1


Writes a bed dataframe into a bed file.

writeBED(inBED, file_path)

  • inBED a pandas dataframe with the contents of the bed file to be written.
  • file_path path to target file.

  • returns nothing.

>>> import AGEpy as age
>>> print bed.head()

chrom chromStart   chromEnd    name score strand       signalValue  \
0  chr7  139371278  139371296  Peak_0  1000      +  5.09062636514014   
1  chr7  139371257  139371278  Peak_1  1000      +   5.0840236303159   
2  chr7  155781335  155781431  Peak_2  1000      +  3.70481328524336   
3  chr7   87156569   87156676  Peak_3  1000      +  3.95023151551588   
4  chr7  105073472  105073521  Peak_4  1000      +  4.14556204062503   

     -log10(pValue) -log10(qvalue) peak  
0  48.9834262537309             -1   -1  
1  48.7463712698062             -1   -1  
2  42.6519289009201             -1   -1  
3  37.7848384917051             -1   -1  
4  34.0756845242392             -1   -1

>>> age.writeBED(bed,"/path/to/file.bed")


Transforms a pandas dataframe into a bedtool. Requires bedtools to be in your path.


  • df a pandas dataframe.
  • returns a bedtool.
>>> import AGEpy as age
>>> print bed.head()

chrom chromStart   chromEnd    name score strand       signalValue  \
0  chr7  139371278  139371296  Peak_0  1000      +  5.09062636514014   
1  chr7  139371257  139371278  Peak_1  1000      +   5.0840236303159   
2  chr7  155781335  155781431  Peak_2  1000      +  3.70481328524336   
3  chr7   87156569   87156676  Peak_3  1000      +  3.95023151551588   
4  chr7  105073472  105073521  Peak_4  1000      +  4.14556204062503   

     -log10(pValue) -log10(qvalue) peak  
0  48.9834262537309             -1   -1  
1  48.7463712698062             -1   -1  
2  42.6519289009201             -1   -1  
3  37.7848384917051             -1   -1  
4  34.0756845242392             -1   -1

>>> bedtool=age.dfTObedtool(bed)
>>> print bedtool.head()

chr7    139371278   139371296   Peak_0  1000    +   5.09062636514014    48.9834262537309    -1  -1
chr7    139371257   139371278   Peak_1  1000    +   5.0840236303159 48.7463712698062    -1  -1
chr7    155781335   155781431   Peak_2  1000    +   3.70481328524336    42.6519289009201    -1  -1
chr7    87156569    87156676    Peak_3  1000    +   3.95023151551588    37.7848384917051    -1  -1
chr7    105073472   105073521   Peak_4  1000    +   4.14556204062503    34.0756845242392    -1  -1
chr7    128761857   128761952   Peak_5  1000    +   4.02131461357736    33.9350181783027    -1  -1
chr7    121296414   121296454   Peak_6  1000    +   3.50632247892067    30.2512926812531    -1  -1
chr7    139368342   139368352   Peak_7  1000    +   4.41912711395099    29.6666535015756    -1  -1
chr7    87155583    87155635    Peak_8  1000    +   4.08769554637519    29.3752024210392    -1  -1
chr7    105540000   105540028   Peak_9  1000    +   4.2212263105571 29.0451450847765    -1  -1

>>> print type(bed)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

>>> print type(bedtool)

<class 'pybedtools.bedtool.BedTool'>


Annotates a bedtool, BED narrow peak.


  • bed a pandas dataframe in bed format
  • parsedGTF a parsed GTF file as outputed by parseGTF()

  • returns a Pandas dataframe

>>> import AGEpy as age
>>> print bed.head()

chrom chromStart   chromEnd    name score strand       signalValue  \
0  chr7  139371278  139371296  Peak_0  1000      +  5.09062636514014   
1  chr7  139371257  139371278  Peak_1  1000      +   5.0840236303159   
2  chr7  155781335  155781431  Peak_2  1000      +  3.70481328524336   
3  chr7   87156569   87156676  Peak_3  1000      +  3.95023151551588   
4  chr7  105073472  105073521  Peak_4  1000      +  4.14556204062503   

     -log10(pValue) -log10(qvalue) peak  
0  48.9834262537309             -1   -1  
1  48.7463712698062             -1   -1  
2  42.6519289009201             -1   -1  
3  37.7848384917051             -1   -1  
4  34.0756845242392             -1   -1

>>> GTF=age.readGTF("/beegfs/group_bit/data/projects/departments/Bioinformatics/bit_RNAseq_eCLIP/downloads/gencode.v24.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf")
>>> print GTF.head()

seqname  source     feature  start    end score strand frame  \
0    chr1  HAVANA        gene  11869  14409     .      +     .   
1    chr1  HAVANA  transcript  11869  14409     .      +     .   
2    chr1  HAVANA        exon  11869  12227     .      +     .   
3    chr1  HAVANA        exon  12613  12721     .      +     .   
4    chr1  HAVANA        exon  13221  14409     .      +     .   

0  gene_id "ENSG00000223972.5"; gene_type "transc..."  
1  gene_id "ENSG00000223972.5"; transcript_id "EN..."  
2  gene_id "ENSG00000223972.5"; transcript_id "EN..."  
3  gene_id "ENSG00000223972.5"; transcript_id "EN..."  
4  gene_id "ENSG00000223972.5"; transcript_id "EN..."  

>>> GTFpa=age.parseGTF(GTF)
>>> print GTFpa.head()

seqname  source     feature  start    end score strand frame gene_status  \
0    chr1  HAVANA        gene  11869  14409     .      +     .       KNOWN   
1    chr1  HAVANA  transcript  11869  14409     .      +     .       KNOWN   
2    chr1  HAVANA        exon  11869  12227     .      +     .       KNOWN   
3    chr1  HAVANA        exon  12613  12721     .      +     .       KNOWN   
4    chr1  HAVANA        exon  13221  14409     .      +     .       KNOWN   

            havana_gene    ...               exon_id      transcript_id  \
0  OTTHUMG00000000961.2    ...                   NaN                NaN   
1  OTTHUMG00000000961.2    ...                   NaN  ENST00000456328.2   
2  OTTHUMG00000000961.2    ...     ENSE00002234944.1  ENST00000456328.2   
3  OTTHUMG00000000961.2    ...     ENSE00003582793.1  ENST00000456328.2   
4  OTTHUMG00000000961.2    ...     ENSE00002312635.1  ENST00000456328.2   

  exon_number  ont     havana_transcript ccdsid transcript_name  \
0         NaN  NaN                   NaN    NaN             NaN   
1         NaN  NaN  OTTHUMT00000362751.1    NaN     DDX11L1-002   
2           1  NaN  OTTHUMT00000362751.1    NaN     DDX11L1-002   
3           2  NaN  OTTHUMT00000362751.1    NaN     DDX11L1-002   
4           3  NaN  OTTHUMT00000362751.1    NaN     DDX11L1-002   

                            gene_type transcript_status gene_name  
0  transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene               NaN   DDX11L1  
1  transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene             KNOWN   DDX11L1  
2  transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene             KNOWN   DDX11L1  
3  transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene             KNOWN   DDX11L1  
4  transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene             KNOWN   DDX11L1

>>> bedAn=age.GetPeaksExons(bed,GTFpa)
>>> print bedAn.head()

chrom  chromStart   chromEnd     name  score strand  signalValue  \
0  chr7   155781335  155781431   Peak_2   1000      +     3.704813   
1  chr7   155781335  155781431   Peak_2   1000      +     3.704813   
2  chr7   121296414  121296454   Peak_6   1000      +     3.506322   
3  chr7    87155538   87155583  Peak_16   1000      +     4.077391   
4  chr7   107904733  107904812  Peak_17   1000      +     3.674368   

   -log10(pValue)  -log10(qvalue)  peak         ...           \
0       42.651929              -1    -1         ...            
1       42.651929              -1    -1         ...            
2       30.251293              -1    -1         ...            
3       22.798739              -1    -1         ...            
4       21.118496              -1    -1         ...            

              gene_id  exon_id_count  exon_id norm. mean -log10(pValue)  \
0  ENSG00000184863.10              1                          42.651929   
1  ENSG00000184863.10              1                          42.651929   
2  ENSG00000106034.17              1                          30.251293   
3  ENSG00000135164.18              3                        2951.868281   
4  ENSG00000091140.12              1                          21.118496   

  exon_id signalValue transcript_id_count  \
0            3.704813                   1   
1            3.704813                   1   
2            3.506322                   1   
3           42.703999                   3   
4            3.674368                   1   

  transcript_id norm. mean -log10(pValue)  transcript_id signalValue  \
0                               42.651929                   3.704813   
1                               42.651929                   3.704813   
2                               30.251293                   3.506322   
3                             2951.868281                  42.703999   
4                               21.118496                   3.674368   

  gene_id_count gene_id norm. mean -log10(pValue)  gene_id signalValue  
0             4                        116.619012            17.830941  
1             4                        116.619012            17.830941  
2             2                         30.251293             2.144090  
3             8                       3300.707425            73.902289  
4             5                        135.139064            22.210269  

gene_id_count: number of intervals overlapping this gene

transcript_id_count: number of intervals overlapping this transcript

exon_id_count: number of intervals overlapping this exon


Annotates a bedtool, BED narrow peak.

AnnotateBED(bed,GTF, genome_file, bedcols=None, promoter=[1000,200])

  • bed either a /path/to/file.bed or a Pandas dataframe in bed format. /path/to/file.bed implies bedcols.
  • GTF /path/to/file.gtf
  • genome_file /path/to/file.genome - a tab separated values of chr name and size information
  • bedcols a comma separated string of column headers to use when reading in a bed file. eg: "chr,start,end,name"
  • promoter a list containing the upstream start of the promoter region from the TSS and the downstream end of the promoter region from the TSS.

  • returns a Pandas dataframe with the annotated bed file. exons and promoters will be reported as well in the annotated_gene_features column.

>>> import AGEpy as age
>>> print bed.head()

chr      start        end          name  signal value strand  fold change  \
0   2  175167300  175167740  chip1_peak_2     58.993528      .     2.965444   
1   2   27052080   27052410  chip1_peak_3    154.897096      .     7.786255   
2   1  243719300  243719630  chip1_peak_4     99.776458      .     5.015490   
3  17    2564650    2564980  chip1_peak_5     72.892502      .     3.664107   
4   7   44999240   44999570  chip1_peak_6    106.434435      .     5.350169   

      p-value  Benjamini-Hochberg FDR enriched in marker  
0  5.747544e-15            4.044835e-08     control  K27AC  
1  2.197614e-14            8.934691e-08     control  K27AC  
2  2.915657e-14            8.934691e-08     control  K27AC  
3  3.173957e-14            8.934691e-08     control  K27AC  
4  3.871249e-14            9.081308e-08     control  K27AC  

>>> bed=AnnotateBED(bed,"hg38.83.gtf","hg38.83.genome")
>>> print bed.head()

chr   start     end              name  signal value strand  fold change  \
0   1  789880  791350  chip2_peak_44728    172.757426      .     8.473977   
1   1  820750  822710  chip1_peak_22461    148.812870      .    11.672676   
2   1  905550  905850   chip1_peak_1792    289.437404      .    13.231699   
3   1  913500  913800   chip1_peak_4243     43.508330      .     1.988994   
4   1  960150  960450   chip1_peak_1666     67.008675      .     3.063317   

      p-value  Benjamini-Hochberg FDR enriched in marker  \
0  6.043877e-06                0.000314     stretch   H3K9   
1  5.292319e-07                0.000057     control   H3K9   
2  9.544848e-07                0.004798     control  H3K27   
3  4.932846e-06                0.010117     control  H3K27   
4  8.347840e-07                0.004535     control  H3K27   

0                        RP5-857K21.4; RP11-206L10.9  
1                                       RP5-857K21.4  
2                                       RP11-54O7.16  
3  RP11-54O7.1: exon; RP11-54O7.2: promoter; RP11...  
4                  NOC2L: promoter; KLHL17: promoter